Monday, April 13, 2009

Syam Wins the Asian-X Qualifiers!

It has been long overdue,
Syam finally put his stuff together and won the Malaysian Asian X-Games Qualifier!
2 more weeks to Go before he departs to Shanghai with Ed.
So, please prepare your list of cheap electronics for him to buy and of course, cash in advance! HaHaHa!
Also Congrats goes to Nik Suhaili for putting up a good fight and placing 2nd; and Idi in 3rd place.


  1. Y dis photo la bos?
    aku kelihatan mcm fakir miskin dalam gambar ni...

  2. LOL...recession dei...anyway congrats Syam...

  3. Macam fakir miskin ke? Ni gambar sebelum ESAM bank-in duit,..tu sebab nya.


  4. Congratulations Syam~!!!
    Itu die power symagona~!!
    Good luck and all the best in shanghai~!!!

  5. thank U... thank U...
    tapi pelik btul name symagona tu hooi...
    mcm name dlm watak street fighter plak...
    hampeh btul... duet esam Xmsuk lg ni wei...
