Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friday Nite Lites Episode 4 - Raya !

Yes yes,

FNL Ep 4, Pre-Raya Session

Most of us are already out of town that night, plus a couple of no-shows because it was raining right before...

Well, that's it for this year Ramadhan FNL session...

Hope to see U guys at our regular
Sunday Blade Sensation!


  1. Sorry guys, it seems that the song that I used matched a 3rd party content...

    So, its on mute...

    No worries, i'll get that fixed up today! Stay tuned!

  2. patut la aku xdngr pape?
    puas aku ketok lap top aku...
    nway dosh, ni petame kali video ko bnyk...

  3. seriously, i laugh out loud a lot in this video, it's an interesting video. I like the ending, LOL~!!!

  4. Guys,

    Guess you'd have to live without audio for a while...it's hard to get safe audio to use...

  5. Alrite,

    Got some audio fixed up...at least now you can figure out what were they saying in the beginning...

  6. it me SAM...i like the video so much..wish if there were all of the skaters thow..
    keep on the gd Work nigGa..!
